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Goat Rocks,  Pacific Crest Trail,  Aug 18, 2001 - Aug 25, 2001     page 1 / 20

In mid August Tom's scout troop set out for their annual "long-term" trip. This year was spent mostly on the Pacific Crest Trail, beginning at Walupt Lake, just southwest of the Goat Rock mountains, and ending at Bumping Lake, southeast of Chinook Pass. I was able to set my schedule so I could participate with the troop for the first 30 miles or so.

We headed up to Walupt Lake Friday evening, August 18. We arrived late in the evening after the campground was already filled. Luckily we were able to find a clearing along the side of the road to sleep on. We were able to hit the trail first thing in the morning. This allowed us to gain the majority of our first day's altitude (2500') while it was still cool.

As we continued up above the tree line, the Goat Rocks came into view. The following view only improved as we neared the hills! Take a look for yourself.

The Goat Rocks with Sheep Lake